World Reporter

2023 in Construction Tech: Unveiling a Year of Innovation

2023 in Construction Tech: Unveiling a Year of Innovation
( Right): ERO is an award-winning robotic solution that strips concrete on-site and step-by-step, saving time, energy, and copious amounts of water (used to reduce airborne particulates) in the deconstruction process. (Left) AR superimposes images generated by a computer onto its user’s view of the physical world, VR is an entirely computer-generated, immersive environment with which a user can interact in seemingly real or physical ways.

By: Ayad Chammas

The Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry, historically slow to digitize, underwent a profound shift in 2023. Driven by infrastructure demands, labor scarcity, and the call for transparency, the AEC tech landscape witnessed unprecedented investment—$50 billion from 2020 to 2022—ushering in an era of innovation and transformation.

Here is a roundup of the year’s most impressive tech Tech Reshaping the Industry

  1. Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR)
    AR and VR technologies are transforming collaboration, safety protocols, and training methods. These immersive technologies enhance project efficiency and safety standards.AR superimposes images generated by a computer onto its user’s view of the physical world, VR is an entirely computer-generated, immersive environment with which a user can interact in seemingly real or physical ways.
  2. Robotics Redefining Labor
    Construction robots emerged as indispensable assets, enhancing accuracy, productivity, and safety on-site. AI-driven robots, from demolition to intricate 3D printing, complement human capabilities.
  3. Smart Material Reducing Errors and Optimizing Efficiency
    The integration of smart material has significantly reduced errors, fostered collaboration, and optimized building design, construction, and operation—a fundamental tool elevating industry efficiency. One example of a smart material that’s transforming the construction process is “self-healing concrete.” This innovative material contains bacteria or capsules within the concrete mix. When cracks appear due to stress or wear, these microorganisms are activated by moisture seeping into the cracks. As a result, they produce limestone, effectively repairing the cracks autonomously without human intervention.
  4. 3D Printing’s Transformative Power
    Expanded to full-scale construction, 3D printing drastically cut timelines and costs while bolstering precision and minimizing waste—a technology reshaping construction practices. One example is the development of large-scale 3D printers that can construct entire structures. Companies have developed printers that can create walls, floors, and even entire buildings layer by layer using various materials such as concrete, clay, recycled materials, or composite materials.
2023 in Construction Tech: Unveiling a Year of Innovation
RIght : Fuliang County, Jiangxi Province, 3D printed site was a 400㎡ restaurant, a 200㎡ living supermarket, express delivery room, toilets, WINSUN 3D printing technology company.
Left : Hendrik Jonkers, a microbiologist at Delft University, with his ‘self-healing’ concrete. Photograph: European Patent Office
  1. AI’s Role in Construction
    The integration of AI, leveraging predictive analytics and smart construction sites, modernizes project management, risk assessment, and real-time monitoring for enhanced safety and efficiency. One recent advancement in AI for building designs involves the utilization of Generative Design. Generative Design is a cutting-edge AI-powered technology that enables architects and engineers to explore numerous design options rapidly. Using machine learning algorithms, Generative Design takes input parameters such as building requirements, structural loads, material specifications, and environmental factors. Then, it autonomously generates multiple design alternatives, often beyond what a human could conceive.
2023 in Construction Tech: Unveiling a Year of Innovation
Museum of the future Dubai, initial cues of artificial intelligence (AI) were used to find the optimum geometric solution for the curved structure.
  1. Sustainable Construction Initiatives
    Advancements in sustainable materials and energy-efficient designs gained a large momentum, significantly reducing environmental impact and promoting eco-friendly construction practices. An example of sustainable construction initiatives is the use of sustainable material for construction, by  utilizing materials like recycled steel, bamboo, engineered wood, or reclaimed materials in construction to reduce environmental impact and promote resource conservation.
2023 in Construction Tech: Unveiling a Year of Innovation
India based company, Rhino Machines has launched the Silica Plastic Blocks – a sustainable building brick that is made from recycling foundry dust/sand waste (80%) and mixed plastic waste (20%). The project comes in collaboration with r+d labs, which is the research wing of the architectural firm R+D Studio.


In this snapshot of 2023’s construction technology, we’ve merely grazed the surface of what’s possible. The innovations showcased—3D printing, sustainable materials—hint at a much vaster landscape awaiting exploration. Where else might ConTech lead us? What other breakthroughs are on the horizon? Step into this evolving domain, venture further into the possibilities of AI, sustainable materials, and more. What lies beyond is a world of endless potential, ready for curious minds to uncover, expand, and redefine. Here’s to a year of endless discovery and innovation in ConTech. Happy exploring, and a happy new year ahead!. 

Ayad Chammas is an Engineering and construction professional. He advises cleantech startups and is a Partner in Nirman Ventures. Over the last decade, Ayad has been active as an investor and promoter of clean energy, in sectors such as EV and PV and energy storage systems.


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