World Reporter

Boost Credibility with Media Features: Gavin Lira’s Guide

Boost Credibility with Media Features Gavin Lira’s Guide

Have you ever wondered how a simple graphic could transform your business’s credibility? Gavin Lira and Grant Lira from The Empathy Firm believe it’s not just about getting featured but making those features work for you in tangible ways.

The Power of Visibility

In today’s digital age, media features can be a game changer for businesses. But getting featured is just the start. The key is leveraging these features to maximize their impact. Gavin Lira emphasizes a straightforward approach that can elevate both online and physical business spaces.

Create Impactful Visuals

When your business gets featured in an online article, the first step is to capture that moment visually. Here’s how Gavin Lira suggests doing it:

  • Screenshot the Feature: Use your phone to take a screenshot of the article, ensuring you include the image, title, and the first paragraph. This captures the essence of the feature and makes it instantly recognizable.
  • Create a Graphic: Transform this screenshot into a polished graphic. There are numerous online tools to help you do this, or you can outsource it to a graphic designer for a professional touch.
  • Print and Frame: Once you have your graphic, go to a website like Printful. They can print and frame the graphic for you. This simple step turns a digital achievement into a physical piece of evidence that you can display proudly.

Showcase Your Success

Hanging these framed features in your physical office space can significantly boost your business’s credibility. Imagine walking into a Five Guys burger restaurant. The walls are adorned with media features, instantly reassuring you of their quality. This same principle applies to any business.

“When clients see these features displayed prominently, it builds confidence and trust,” says Gavin Lira. It’s a subtle yet powerful way to communicate your business’s success and reliability.

Enhance Your Online Presence

But what if your business operates primarily online? Gavin Lira has a solution for that too. Use these graphics in your virtual meetings. Whether it’s a sales call on Zoom or a client meeting, having these framed features in your background can have a similar confidence-boosting effect.

“When you’re on a Zoom call, and clients see those media features behind you, it adds an element of professionalism and success. It’s like a virtual handshake,” Gavin Lira explains.

Consistency is Key

One of the important aspects of leveraging media features is consistency. Displaying your features should be a regular part of your business’s branding strategy. Whether in physical locations or online meetings, consistency helps reinforce your credibility over time.


Incorporating these strategies can transform the way potential clients perceive your business. It’s not just about getting featured but making those features a visible part of your business environment. Gavin Lira’s approach is simple, effective, and can be implemented without major investment.

By taking these small steps, you can make a big impact on your business’s reputation and client confidence. Whether you’re in a physical office or conducting business online, leveraging media features as Gavin Lira suggests can set you apart from the competition.

So, the next time your business gets featured, don’t just celebrate it—display it, showcase it, and let it work for you. It’s these little details that can make a huge difference in building trust and credibility with your clients.

Published by: Martin De Juan

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