World Reporter

Opinion – Life’s too short to follow suit, it’s time to be your own boss

Alan Siege: Life’s too short to follow suit

By: John Glover (MBA)

Don’t worry, be happy. That’s the motto I think everyone should live by. That’s usually easier said than done, but it’s an affirmation that can help you reach your goals. When it comes to the workforce, we are often bogged down by never-ending to-do lists, and sometimes no matter how hard we work, it just doesn’t seem to be enough. You can spend years being the ideal employee you can be, but when money troubles arise, your job could be on the line. Layoffs happen all the time, unfortunately, but it doesn’t mean your career is over. 

Sometimes all we need is one door to close for another one to open. When layoffs happen, instead of finding a job in another career, think of it as a sign to become your own boss. Why worry about making someone else’s business grow, when you can plant roots of your own? We all have different ideas and skills that can be used to create something great. 

Chances are, you’ve thought about starting your own business at some point in your life. Whether you had an idea or even just a passion to impact a community of people, the thought has likely come across your mind. In fact, there are more than 33 million small businesses across the country, so that means a large amount of people have taken the leap for themselves. Just because you might not have business experience in the past, does not mean you won’t be successful if you carve out your own journey. 

You are your own toolbox, when it comes to constructing your business from the ground up. There is no need to worry about the past because you get to make the rules moving forward. All of the managerial, organizational and technical skills you had at your previous jobs will help set you up for success. If you trust in your own skills and abilities as a hard worker, success will not just be a dream but a reality. 

“No matter what happened in your previous career, you are taking the first steps to something new, and new can be great. Even though it might feel like you are starting over completely, you actually aren’t. All of the communication, collaboration, organizational or managerial skills have led you to this moment. Make sure to use everything you have learned about being a hard worker to start on this new path,” says Alan Siege, CEO and host of The Pitch Show.

Many people don’t have a background in business, so it’s okay to learn as you grow. One of the great things about taking the leap of faith and starting your own business is that you can go at your own pace. The corporate workforce is generally very fast-paced, and if you were laid off, look at where that got you. Some toxic workplaces do not prioritize growth, and instead expect you to know everything all the time. The beauty of being a small business owner is that you can make mistakes along the way and still be successful. 

Long gone are the days of worrying whether a small mistake will cost you your job and your livelihood. You get to set the tone of the environment, and you get to make this business everything you want it to be. There is no limit to how your dream can manifest. 

“Many people that start their own business, don’t necessarily have a background in business. Just because you have had different careers and experiences your whole life, does not mean you can’t do this. In fact, that very history and experience will likely help you reach your business goals. And don’t forget the importance of passion. It is not a substitute for a thorough analysis of your market. Yet, passion can keep you above water when everything seems to be crashing around you,” Siege says. 

Life is too short to follow the people all around you. It might seem scary to take a leap of faith when it comes to your career. It’s easier to stick with what you know, but that doesn’t always mean the reward will be greater. If you recently went through a layoff or are just tired of your job, maybe take that as a sign that you were destined to try something new and become your own boss. Don’t worry, be happy. Perhaps taking a leap of faith and starting your own business will help you be happier than you imagined.


Published By: Aize Perez

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