World Reporter

Climbing Beyond Limits: Austin Wood’s Journey, American Hometown Hero

Climbing Beyond Limits Austin Wood's Journey, American Hometown Hero
Photo Courtesy: Alana Hubbard

In an era where stories of courage and perseverance are sought after, few narratives resonate as profoundly as that of Austin Wood, a 27-year-old former Marine turned philanthropist, solo traveler, student and aspiring mountaineer. His journey from the battlegrounds across the globe to the snowy slopes of Mount Everest is not just a tale of personal ambition but a testament to human resilience, commitment to service, and the indomitable spirit of adventure.

The Journey Begins

Climbing Beyond Limits Austin Wood's Journey, American Hometown Hero
Photo Courtesy: Alana Hubbard

Born to April Herndon and Stephen Wood, Austin grew up with his siblings Gavin Herndon, Kyley Wood, and Rylan Wood in Lake Mary, Florida. From a young age, Austin was imbued with a strong sense of duty and patriotism—a trait that would later define much of his life’s trajectory. On his 18th birthday, in a move that surprised no one who knew him well, Austin joined the Marines, embarking on what would be five years of challenging missions around the world with his best friend, Maleek Newsome. His service was marked by bravery and dedication, traits that he carried with him long after his military career.

A New Chapter in Hawaii

Eventually stationed in Hawaii, Austin encountered an unexpected passion: fire dancing. This art form became more than just a hobby; it was a mode of expression and connection to others. He learned this skill on their pristine beaches by a fire performer named Lucky, who had just filmed the “Wild Thoughts” music video. He then moved back to Lake Mary, it was here that he met Alana Hubbard—a former celebrity photographer, Mother Hubbard Photography—who became an instant best friend. Together they explored creative pursuits beyond their imaginations. Austin taught Alana fire dancing, reigniting her passion for performance and dance—an activity they both found solace and joy in.

Climbing Beyond Limits Austin Wood's Journey, American Hometown Hero
Photo Courtesy: Alana Hubbard

Entrepreneurial Ventures

Returning home to Lake Mary in 2021 marked a new beginning for both Austin and Alana. They co-founded Alstia Business Services—dedicated to helping small businesses flourish. Their venture was successful for two years until their shared love for fire dancing and travel took precedence. Following this path led Alana to establish Alura Entertainment, a successful and innovative international circus & fire dancing entertainment company while Austin pursued an even bigger dream.

The Everest Dream

Austin’s desire to see the world took him on solo adventures across Asia as he immersed himself as a student studying abroad from Seminole State College. However, climbing Mount Everest emerged as not just another item on his bucket list but as a mission infused with purpose—to represent his town, college, and importantly, to raise awareness for veteran mental health through his climb. During his travels, befriended a fellow veteran and author, John Davis and together they are helping veterans around the world with mental health and assistance in moving abroad. Veterans can receive a free digital download of his book, “The Veteran’s Guide to Moving Abroad” on his Instagram: @john.h.davis.writer.

Simultaneously dedicated to philanthropy— helping veterans around the globe, actively volunteering at WaterStone church and supporting Alana’s nonprofit, Toxicura501c3—Austin’s ambitions transcend personal achievement. He aims to fundraise not only for his expedition but also donate the excess proceeds to her charity and others while seeking sponsors who share his vision for change.

A Call for Support

Sponsoring Austin’s ascent represents an unparalleled opportunity for brands looking to elevate their visibility while aligning with values of courage, resilience, and social responsibility. With plans to carry your logo up Everest itself—and through every step along the way via social media platforms like @austincurtis97, @aluraentllc,@toxicura501c3—your support will not just fuel an expedition but also amplify vital conversations about veterans’ welfare and community empowerment.

This partnership promises more than brand exposure; it offers participation in a narrative of meaningful impact—highlighting commitment towards veterans’ causes alongside thrilling adventure. Engage with us; let’s harness this journey’s potential together.

A Legacy Beyond Limits

Climbing Beyond Limits Austin Wood's Journey, American Hometown Hero
Photo Courtesy: Alana Hubbard

Austin Wood stands at the precipice of making history—not merely in conquering Earth’s highest peak but in leveraging this challenge as a catalyst for change. Through grit, tenacity, and unwavering determination,Austin aims not only at summit success but at igniting hope & action within communities far beyond Everest’s towering shadow.

Join us on this remarkable journey; support Austin Wood’s ambition to ascend beyond limits—for glory is not found atop mountains alone but in every step taken towards uplifting others along the climb. If you would like to donate, the cash app is $austinboston97 and all potential sponsors can email

Published by: Holy Minoza

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