World Reporter

How Daniel Johnson Builds Businesses With Relationships In Mind

How Daniel Johnson Builds Businesses With Relationships In Mind
Photo Courtesy: Daniel Johnson

By: Joshua Finley

Building Business With Relationships In Mind

In the business world, everyone realizes that “family comes first,” which is probably why the idea of maintaining a work-life balance is common. But if everyone knows balancing life and work is important, why is it a popular struggle for so many people? Could it be that many of us have been lied to about how to thrive in our lives in and out of the workplace? Enter Daniel Johnson. He is an entrepreneur, business investor, and founder of Immaculate Homes as well as several other companies under Johnson Management Group, and he believes the relationship between life and work doesn’t have to be what many people think. “‘Work-life balance’ is an absolute fallacy,” Johnson says. “‘Blended life’ is a better term.” According to him, since a person’s work is usually intertwined with who he or she is, personal and work relations can be equally important. At its core, the key is valuing relationships, whether they be at home or in the workplace, and he has a few tips on how to do this that will lead to a truly successful life.

1. Being Present

Johnson first urges people to be present wherever they are. Early in his professional career, he realized he was absent in several aspects of his life. In some cases, even when he was home physically, his mind was elsewhere. “I’d be thinking whilst I was working through my day, I gotta get home, I gotta get home,” he says. He further explains that when he went home at the end of a long day, all he could think of was everything from work that still needed to get done. He knew then that he not only needed to be with his family, but he needed to be more physically and mentally present at home and at work. Having learned the importance of presence in his own life, Johnson encourages working individuals to prioritize the relationships in front of them without thinking of being somewhere else. He puts it this way: “When you are there, you are there. When you show up, you are the best version of yourself, giving precious time to whomever it might be. The key is not to turn up, but show up.”

How Daniel Johnson Builds Businesses With Relationships In Mind
Photo Courtesy: Daniel Johnson

2. Bringing Energy to Your Precious Relationships

Along with being present in relationships, it is equally important to bring energy into daily interactions. Many would probably agree that it isn’t enough to simply be present to maintain meaningful relationships. Rather, it also matters how a person behaves when he or she is present. Johnson emphasizes that to be the ideal one can be in daily interactions, it is essential to prioritize personal health and overall wellbeing. This is another thing Johnson learned first hand through his own experiences. “When I first started out,” he shares, “I wasn’t great at energy management. I’d go straight into work. I wouldn’t see the kids in the morning. I’d probably come home when the kids were in bed. And on the rare occurrence that I might have come home early, I would have been too tired.” It wasn’t until he developed a sustainable schedule that things began to improve.

Now, Johnson commits himself to daily practices that allow him to enter each day as full of energy as possible to avoid becoming easily drained physically or mentally. “I wake up and have ‘my’ time between 5 AM to 6:30 AM. I’m exercising, doing gratitude and meditating. Then as I finish that, I have breakfast with my kids before heading off to work.” The way Johnson ends his day is just as important to him as the way he begins it. He makes sure to share dinner with his family, talk with his kids about their day, and spend time with his wife. In his experience, simple rituals such as these energize him for the day, making him an amicable person to be around both at work and at home. He encourages others to take note of what has worked for him so that they also can enjoy each day with vigor and enthusiasm.

3. Being Self Aware

Johnson’s third and final key to leading a relationship-guided life is self awareness. Having a lifestyle that healthily blends work and personal matters does not happen on its own. It takes intentionality for a business person to live with a focus on interpersonal connections, and it requires the individual to be conscious of how things can be improved. “When I was running myself ragged, I wasn’t aware of the time I was losing by running a business. I needed a change.” For Johnson, this meant moving from operating less like a “solopreneur” and more like an entrepreneur by delegating people to take over parts of his business. The choice would turn out to be one of his great decisions. “It allowed me more time to spend on the business while also spending more time with my family.” If it hadn’t been for his keen realization that his business and his family needed him to show up differently, Johnson never would have changed his lifestyle for the better.

How Daniel Johnson Builds Businesses With Relationships In Mind
Photo Courtesy: Daniel Johnson

Daniel Johnson’s three pieces of advice are what led him to thrive as an entrepreneur, business investor, and overall champion of growth. Through his experiences, Daniel Johnson shows others how to engage in practices that will help them thrive in their businesses, their families, and ultimately, their lives.

CTA: Daniel Johnson

If you are interested in learning what things in your lifestyle can be improved for you to reach your goals and build your dream, consider reaching out to Daniel Johnson for further guidance and mentorship. You can also learn more about his businesses, including Johnson Management Group, through his website at


Published By: Aize Perez

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