World Reporter

How to Stay Focused on Your Goals as the Year Ends

How to Stay Focused on Your Goals as the Year Ends

By: John Glover (MBA)

It’s officially the month of October, and that means the end of the year is drawing to a close. Think back to the beginning of 2024 and what goals or resolutions you set for yourself. How far have you come to those goals, and what can you do to reach the finish line? Even though there are less than three months until the new year, it’s never too late to reach your goals. The biggest thing is staying persistent and focused even when obstacles get in your way. It’s inevitable that things will happen beyond your control, but that’s no reason to give up. You cannot achieve your dreams if you do not put in the effort, and a little bump in the road does not have to derail all the progress you have made. 

This is especially true for entrepreneurs and someone who is building their own small business from the ground up. Did you know that nearly half of all small businesses will fail before they hit the five-year mark? Just because the road gets a little rocky does not mean you can’t push through and reach success. You have the power to beat the odds and create an impact in your life and the community’s. All it takes is a little willpower to get there.

“It is not all smooth sailing, and a lot of times, there are roadblocks in the way that are out of your control. Understanding that not everything will happen the way you want it to is important because then you might not get hung up on the little things. There will be times when you get frustrated and feel like taking the easy way out, but you have to stay strong and remember why you started doing this in the first place,” says Corey Pearson, Chief Quilt Artist and Brand Ambassador at Linda’s.

A good way to reach your goals is to stay persistent and motivated, even when things are beyond your control. Being proactive about potential issues and coming up with backup plans can help ensure that progress is not lost when things start to go awry. As an entrepreneur, you have to think critically about your business and what you want to achieve, and then you have to put those thoughts into action. You cannot reach the finish line if you don’t start somewhere.

It’s also important to stay organized and be ready to adapt to change. If your business is not running smoothly and things are out of place, it may lead to more errors in the long run. This will begin to overwhelm you and can have you question why you started this in the first place. Staying mindful of your goals, no matter how long it takes you to get there, will give you the power and motivation to keep moving. Creating a small business is a chain reaction, so setting yourself up for success starts with organization and determination.

“Once you get through the obstacles and small setbacks, you will feel much more confident in your abilities as an entrepreneur. You cannot grow until you fail a little, so remember that it’s normal to make mistakes or make errors. Everyone goes through it, but it’s how you handle it that really matters. Believing in yourself and your abilities is the key to success and making it to the finish line,” Pearson says.

2025 is still a few months away, so even though it feels like time is running out, it’s not. Use this timeline as inspiration and motivation to start moving forward on your goals. Even if you have to redraw your benchmarks, it’s okay because it means you are prioritizing certain things to reach the ultimate goal in the long run. Starting a business is all about adapting, so now is the perfect time to adjust your timeline and get in the saddle again. 

Just because you have a setback does not mean you can’t keep chugging along. Making even a little progress in the next few months is better than nothing. As the new year draws near, you can figure out how you can reach your goals over the next 12 months in a realistic way. Thinking things through is all a part of the process, but it’s never too late to get started.


Published by: Khy Talara

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