World Reporter

John Scalli’s Guide to Taking Your Local Business Worldwide

John Scalli’s Guide to Taking Your Local Business Worldwide
Photo Courtesy: John Scalli

By: Joshua Finley

John Scalli, the president of Centurion Media Solutions, has spent years helping local businesses build a global presence. His expertise lies in amplifying the reach of businesses through strategic media solutions, tailored marketing strategies, and a deep understanding of local and global markets.

Centurion Media Solutions specializes in helping small to mid-sized businesses expand their influence beyond their immediate geographic locations. Whether it’s a local Italian restaurant in the Bronx or a boutique clothing brand, Centurion Media Solutions ensures these businesses can shine on the world stage. One of their notable successes is a client based on Arthur Avenue in the Bronx, a neighborhood known for its rich Italian-American culture and cuisine. Here are the strategies John Scalli implemented to help this client stand out and reach a global audience.

Authentic Brand

John emphasizes the importance of maintaining authenticity in brand building. For his client in the Bronx, authenticity has been key. The restaurant owner distinguishes himself by offering traditional Italian dishes that go beyond the usual pizza and pasta. John explains, “He traveled in France and Italy and learned a lot of different styles of cooking. He couples authenticity with tradition, allowing him to stand out.”

This approach paid off when the restaurant caught the attention of an Italian television show, which featured it as a standout example of authentic Italian cuisine in America. “They saw him on social media, saw the community’s response, and wanted to film the unique atmosphere of his restaurant,” John shares. The exposure on this show attracted local attention and introduced the restaurant to an international audience.

Extend Your Market

Once the restaurant gained traction locally through authenticity, extending its market was the next step. Appearing on the television show significantly broadened the restaurant’s reach. “By being on this show, the restaurateur was able to be broadcast in Italy and beyond,” John notes. This type of exposure can be invaluable for local businesses looking to expand their influence.

John’s advice to other local businesses is to seek opportunities that can showcase their unique offerings to a broader audience. Collaborations with international media or participation in global events can create new markets and attract a diverse clientele.

Hone In On What You Know

John strongly believes in the power of focusing on one’s strengths. “Don’t be an expert in what you don’t know. Know your own skills and strong suits,” he advises. For the Bronx restaurant, this meant staying true to traditional Italian cooking methods and not deviating toward more generic Italian-American fare.

By dedicating time to refining and showcasing his expertise, the restaurant owner built a brand that resonated both locally and globally. This focus on specialization helped the business carve out a niche market, which John sees as essential for long-term success.

Give It Time

Patience is a virtue in building a global presence. “Let people react to what you are doing,” John advises. The restaurant’s journey from local favorite to international sensation didn’t happen overnight. “It might take time, but that authenticity will make a difference.”

John highlights the importance of responding to feedback and staying authentic. He explains, “You have to just not focus on the idea that you want to go global. Focus on authenticity and responding to what you have.” This approach ensures that the business remains true to its roots while gradually expanding its influence.

Final Remarks

John Scalli’s insights and strategies offer valuable lessons for any local business aspiring to build a global presence. From maintaining authenticity and extending market reach to honing in on strengths and being patient, these strategies can help businesses thrive both locally and internationally. “If you want a global presence, that can happen, but you need to focus on authenticity and keep building on your strengths,” John encourages.

Centurion Media Solutions continues to guide businesses in leveraging these principles, ensuring that their clients thrive on the global stage. By following John’s advice, local businesses can achieve remarkable success, making their mark on the world while staying true to their roots.

Learn more about Centurion Media Solutions by visiting their website.

Published by: Martin De Juan

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