World Reporter

LaToya Shambo Shares How to Win the Social Media War

LaToya Shambo Shares How to Win the Social Media War
Photo Courtesy: LaToya Shambo

By: Joshua Finley

Black Girl Digital Founder Shares How to Help Your Brand Survive the Battle 

LaToya Shambo, the founder of Black Girl Digital, has been making waves in the influencer marketing industry by championing the voices of Black women and helping them monetize their talent. With a mission to bridge the gap between Black creators and brands, Black Girl Digital continues to empower their clients and bring positive change to influencer marketing.

Founded with the vision to support and elevate Black women in digital spaces, Black Girl Digital has grown into a thriving community and agency that connects influencers with brands seeking authentic representation. “We aim to create opportunities for Black women to shine and get the recognition they deserve,” LaToya explains. Her company provides marketing and branding solutions and focuses on educating influencers about the importance of diversifying their platforms and revenue streams.

Social media platforms are constantly evolving, making LaToya’s insights invaluable for influencers looking to navigate these changes successfully. She emphasizes the importance of having a personal website, stating, “If you want to monetize your talent, your likeness, having your own .com is crucial. It’s your digital real estate.”

The Battle for Social Media: Diversification Is Key

The dynamics on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube are constantly shifting, so LaToya advises influencers to diversify their content across multiple channels. “I think people will lose money with the possible decline of TikTok. They should consider what diversifying looks like,” she notes. TikTok’s appeal lies in its raw, unpolished nature, allowing creators to be more authentic. However, LaToya suggests that influencers start transitioning their content to Instagram, where community-building is more intentional.

“This is the absolute time to start converting your content over if you have no presence on Instagram. The beauty in TikTok is that you can strip branding and repost to Instagram, so you don’t have to start from scratch,” LaToya advises. This approach allows influencers to leverage existing content while tailoring it to fit Instagram’s more curated environment.

LaToya Shambo Shares How to Win the Social Media War (2)
Photo Courtesy: LaToya Shambo

How to Build a Community on Instagram

Building a loyal and engaged community on Instagram requires a strategic approach. LaToya shares three essential tips for influencers looking to thrive on the platform:

Leverage Loyalty

On Instagram, people are not as quick to make purchases as they are on TikTok. “The community intentionality has to be built on a particular interest,” LaToya explains. She speaks on the importance of understanding and catering to the specific needs of your audience. “It’s about the loyalty in your community. You want to lean on that when building with a brand. Show your audience what you’re doing, what you’re selling, and where you buy your stuff.”

Showcase Authentic Stories

Authenticity is key to building trust. LaToya advises influencers to share their genuine experiences and solutions. “People on Instagram want to see real results. If you can articulate your problem and show the solution, they will trust you,” she says. For example, LaToya discusses her personal routine of using African black soap to even out her complexion, demonstrating the product’s effectiveness to her audience.

Be Consistent and Sustainable

Maintaining a sustainable content strategy is crucial. “Your content should reflect your day-to-day life,” LaToya advises. Whether it’s gardening, cooking, or any other daily activity, integrating products that naturally fit into your routine makes the content more relatable and less of a chore to produce. “It’s about finding what you can sustain. When you align your content with your daily life, it’s no longer work; it’s just you being you. Viewers love that kind of authenticity.”

The Future of Influencer Marketing

The competition on social media can be fierce, but LaToya’s strategies offer a way forward for influencers hoping to grow their platforms. As she puts it, “People need to believe that who they are is enough. Authenticity is what builds the right community.” Through Black Girl Digital, LaToya Shambo is not only shaping the future of influencer marketing but also ensuring that Black women’s voices are heard and valued in the digital space.

Learn more about Black Girl Digital by visiting their website



Published by: Khy Talara

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