By: Joshua Finley
For Dawn Thompson, helping women through pregnancy and childbirth isn’t just a career; it’s a calling. With over 20 years of experience, Dawn is a passionate advocate for maternal health and the founder of Birthify, a pioneering virtual platform designed to make high-quality maternity education and support accessible and affordable.
Discovering a Passion
Dawn’s journey began after years of feeling unfulfilled in her marketing career. A close friend’s birth experience opened her eyes to the transformative power of childbirth assistance. “It had such a huge impact on me,” she recalls. Years would pass before this revelation ignited her passion for becoming a doula, a path she pursued despite having four young children of her own. “The universe was giving me signs that this was where I should be,” she notes.

Challenges of the Modern Maternity System
Through her work as a doula in San Diego, Dawn observed troubling trends in the maternity system, including high induction and cesarean rates driven by non-medical factors. She recognized that many interventions are performed not out of medical necessity but for business and liability reasons. Dawn also witnessed the profound lack of support new mothers receive postpartum. “We’ve lost the village in just two generations,” she laments, “and women are sent home alone with their equally unprepared partners to figure it out.”
This disconnection inspired Dawn to take action. “People need support with the basics—they need consistency and someone to stay with them through the entire process,” she emphasizes. As a doula, she aimed to fill this critical gap but recognized the limitations of one-on-one support. Determined to transform the system and empower birthing people with knowledge, Dawn founded Birthify.

Birthify: A Next-Generation Support System
Launched in 2021, Birthify offers a comprehensive support system for new families. “The real advantage of Birthify is the continuity of care—you develop a strong, personal connection with a single doula who knows your history and needs, making your experience smoother and more supportive,” Dawn notes.
Birthify combines all the essentials of childbirth education, birth doula knowledge, lactation coaching, newborn care, and postpartum support in one comprehensive platform. “It’s like accessing a whole village of support through one trusted relationship, simplifying the process and cost of seeking multiple services,” Dawn says.
Empowerment is central to Dawn’s vision for an equitable, woman-centered system. “Healthcare should be about support, not control,” she notes. Through Birthify, Dawn is driving change by placing knowledge and autonomy directly into the hands of birthing families.
With over a thousand users, Birthify is reforming maternity care one relationship at a time. Dawn’s true drive is to improve maternal health outcomes in the US, where unnecessary interventions and C-sections are alarmingly high. She aims to scale Birthify to reach more families, providing consistent and compassionate support. “I want to leave this world knowing I helped reduce unnecessary interventions and C-section rates, making childbirth safer and more empowering for all,” Dawn reflects. If her impact so far is any indication, she’s well on her way to realizing that vision.
For more information, visit Dawn Thompson’s website or LinkedIn profile.
Published by: Khy Talara