World Reporter

Exploring the Timing of Meetings: Start vs. End of the Shift

Exploring the Timing of Meetings: Start vs. End of the Shift
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In the modern workplace, meetings serve as crucial forums for collaboration, communication, and decision-making among team members. However, the timing of these meetings can significantly impact productivity, engagement, and overall effectiveness. This article explores the debate over whether meetings are better held at the start or end of the shift, examining the advantages and disadvantages of each approach and offering insights into how organizations can optimize their meeting schedules for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

Meetings at the Start of the Shift


Meetings held at the beginning of the shift set the tone for the day, providing team members with direction, purpose, and focus as they start their work. They allow for alignment of priorities, goals, and expectations, ensuring everyone is working towards common objectives. Early meetings provide an opportunity to address pressing issues or challenges promptly, facilitating timely problem-solving and decision-making. Team members are typically more alert and energized in the morning, making it an ideal time for engaging in discussions and collaborative activities.


Morning meetings may add stress to team members’ already busy and hectic mornings, with competing demands and priorities vying for their attention. Preparation time for early meetings may require team members to arrive earlier than usual, cutting into personal time and disrupting morning routines. Some team members may still be settling into their workday mindset during morning meetings, leading to distractions and lack of focus. Attendance may be lower for early meetings, as some team members may arrive late or miss the meeting due to other commitments or scheduling conflicts.

Meetings at the End of the Shift


End-of-shift meetings offer an opportunity for reflection on the day’s accomplishments, challenges, and lessons learned, promoting continuous improvement and learning. They provide closure by allowing team members to wrap up loose ends, finalize tasks, and provide updates before the end of the day. Team members are more likely to be available and present at the end of the shift, having completed their daily tasks and responsibilities. End-of-shift meetings can provide a relaxed and informal atmosphere, allowing team members to unwind and socialize after a busy day of work.


By the end of the shift, team members may be tired, mentally drained, and eager to go home, making it difficult to fully engage in meetings and discussions. End-of-shift meetings may be rushed or truncated due to time constraints, as team members may need to leave promptly at the end of their shift. Some team members may have commitments or obligations outside of work that prevent them from attending end-of-shift meetings, leading to attendance issues. After a long day of work, team members may experience decision fatigue, making it challenging to make informed decisions or engage in complex discussions during meetings.

Striking the Right Balance

Ultimately, the decision of whether to hold meetings at the start or end of the shift depends on the specific needs and dynamics of the team and organization. Factors such as team preferences, workload, availability, and communication styles should be considered when scheduling meetings to ensure maximum participation and effectiveness.

Some organizations may opt for a hybrid approach, scheduling meetings at both the start and end of the shift to accommodate the diverse needs and schedules of team members. Others may experiment with alternative meeting formats, such as stand-up meetings, asynchronous communication channels, or virtual meetings, to increase flexibility and accessibility.

By taking a thoughtful and strategic approach to meeting scheduling, organizations can ensure that meetings are productive, engaging, and conducive to collaboration and communication, regardless of the time of day. Whether it’s kicking off the day with a morning huddle or winding down with an end-of-shift debrief, the key is to find the right balance that works for everyone involved.

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