World Reporter

Recognizing Unfair Coaching Practices in Boxing

Recognizing Unfair Coaching Practices in Boxing
Photo Courtesy: Hit N Move

By: Joah Faiello

In the world of boxing, the right coach can be a guiding star, leading a fighter to greatness with skill development, tactical wisdom, and unwavering support. However, there exists a darker side to this relationship that fighters must be vigilant about: exploitation by coaches. This article aims to shine a light on the potential pitfalls and provide fighters with the knowledge to avoid being taken advantage of.

Financial Exploitation

One of the most common forms of exploitation is financial. A coach’s role is undoubtedly crucial, and they deserve fair compensation for their expertise and time. However, there are cases where coaches take an unfairly large percentage of their fighters’ earnings. This often happens through contracts that heavily favor the coach, leaving the fighter with much less than they deserve. Fighters must ensure they fully understand the financial terms of their agreements and seek legal advice if needed. Transparency is key—both parties should agree on fair terms that reflect the value brought to the table.

Overtraining and Injury Risks

The pursuit of quick success can sometimes lead coaches to push their fighters too hard. Overtraining is a serious issue that not only hampers performance but also increases the risk of injuries. A coach who prioritizes short-term gains over a fighter’s long-term health is not looking out for their best interests. Fighters should be aware of their bodies and communicate openly with their coaches about their limits. A good coach will listen and adjust training regimens accordingly, prioritizing health and sustainable progress over immediate results.

Recognizing Unfair Coaching Practices in Boxing
Photo Courtesy: Hit N Move

Lack of Genuine Care

Exploitation also manifests in a lack of genuine care for the fighter’s well-being and personal development. Some coaches may neglect their fighters’ mental health, emotional needs, or long-term career planning. They may focus solely on physical training, disregarding the holistic approach necessary for a fighter’s overall growth. Fighters should look for coaches who show interest in their personal development, who ask about their goals, fears, and aspirations, and who are willing to support them in all aspects of their journey.

Pressure and Intimidation

In some unfortunate cases, coaches may use pressure, intimidation, or manipulation to control their fighters. This can create a toxic environment, leading to increased stress and anxiety. Fighters should feel empowered, not bullied. They should seek a coach who builds them up with encouragement and constructive feedback rather than tearing them down through fear and dominance.

Ignoring Fighter’s Input

A successful fighter-coach relationship is built on mutual respect and communication. Exploitative coaches often disregard their fighters’ input, making unilateral decisions without considering the fighter’s perspective. This can result in mismatches, poor training practices, and overall dissatisfaction. Fighters should look for coaches who value their opinions, listen to their concerns, and involve them in the decision-making process.

Recognizing Unfair Coaching Practices in Boxing
Photo Courtesy: Hit N Move

Focus on Profit Over Development

Some coaches prioritize financial gain over the fighter’s development and success. They might rush fighters into high-stakes matches for quick payouts, regardless of whether the fighter is ready. This approach not only jeopardizes the fighter’s career but also poses serious risks to their safety. Fighters should be wary of coaches who push them too quickly and should always consider whether a proposed match aligns with their readiness and long-term goals.

Failure to Protect Fighters

Finally, a coach’s failure to protect their fighter from dangerous matches or situations is a serious form of exploitation. Every fighter deserves a coach who prioritizes their safety and acts as a guardian against unnecessary risks. Fighters should trust their instincts and seek second opinions if they feel their coach is not adequately safeguarding their well-being.


While the right coach can be a powerful ally in a fighter’s career, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential for exploitation. Fighters should be vigilant, do their research, and seek advice from trusted individuals in the boxing community. By choosing a coach who is fair, caring, and committed to their holistic development, fighters can ensure they are in a supportive environment that nurtures their talents and protects their interests. Boxing is a demanding sport, and every fighter deserves a coach who will guide them with integrity and respect.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended as professional advice, whether financial, legal, medical, or otherwise. Readers are encouraged to consult with appropriate professionals for advice specific to their situation. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or positions of any associated organizations. No guarantees or warranties are made regarding the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information provided.

Recognizing Unfair Coaching Practices in Boxing
Photo Courtesy: Hit N Move

Hit N Move: A Supportive Ally for Fighters

In this landscape of struggles, Hit N Move aims to make a difference. Founded by Ozhan Akcakaya, with his wife Alaina Akcakaya serving as the VP of Public Relations, the company is dedicated to improving the lives of boxers. Hit N Move focuses on providing innovative, high-quality boxing gear that enhances performance while ensuring safety and durability. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and design, they help reduce the physical toll on fighters, potentially extending their careers and improving overall well-being. Their commitment to quality and innovation aims to address some of the critical challenges boxers face, offering them tools that can make a tangible difference in their training and performance.

Unlike many brands that work through intermediaries, Hit N Move directly collaborates with fighters like Jalil Hackett, Rashidi Ellis, and Jamal Harvey. This direct contact ensures that the needs and feedback of the athletes are heard and incorporated into product development. Ozhan and Alaina Akcakaya’s dedication to the sport and its athletes reflects a genuine effort to support fighters through advanced gear designed with their specific needs in mind. Hit N Move’s initiatives strive to lighten some of the burdens boxers face, contributing positively to the sport they cherish.

Published by: Holy Minoza

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